
Displaying 61-70 of 198 results.
Final technical training by JICA expert
An  inhouse training on use of load transducer to calculate the drag force in power tiller during field operations, sample divider for the sampling selection for milling recovery tests in paddy, opacimeter to test smoke for farm machinery were conducted by JICA...
Views: [ 2334 ]

Basic farm machinery training for all extension officers concludes
The first round of extension officers training on Basic Farm Mechnanization concludes with the final training for extension officer training in RAMC, Khangma of AMC on December 16, 2016. The final five participants attended this training. The participants were from Zhemgang, Mongar...
Views: [ 2237 ]

Technical committee meeting for Standards commences in Phuntsholing
The 7th technical committee meeting for mechanical engineering started from today at Phuntsholing. The technical meeting shall be for two days and during the period, standards for power tiller which was there for wide circulation, test codes for it, the standards for reaper and rice...
Views: [ 2460 ]

AMC bids farwell to Chief Advisor, JICA project, SFaMP-II
On December 29, 2016, the Agriculture Machinery Centre family organized a small gathering to appreciate the work done by the Chief Advisor of AMC technical JICA project, SFaMP-II who will be stopping his work from december 31, 2016. Dr Takahashi who had been in AMC for almost...
Views: [ 2377 ]

Vacancy Announcement
The Farm Machinery Corporation Limited, Paro, a State Owned Enterprise (SoE) under the Ministry of Finance would like to announce following vacancies for immediate recruitment under contract for the period of 2 years & extendable. SL Position No...
Views: [ 5071 ]

High school students attending farm mechanization training
As part of the Agriculture Machinery Centre's training mandate, twenty five high school students from Eastern Bhutan are undergoing the farm machinery training under " school farm mechanization programme" in Regional Agriculture Machinery Centre, Khangma from January...
Views: [ 2269 ]

Mid term review and planning meeting concludes
The mid term review and planning meeting of Agricuture Machinery Centre concluded yesterday. The Director, Department of Agriculture also graced the last day of the meeting The three days meeting included progress review, planning on day one followed by the technical...
Views: [ 2351 ]

AMC hands over farm machinery, equipment and facilities under phase I
Agriculture Machinery Centre officially handed over farm machinery, workshop tools and equipment, fabrication machines, vehicles, land and buildings under the phase I  to the Farm Machinery Corporation Limited on January 13, 2017 at AMTS conference hall in Paro. During the...
Views: [ 2391 ]

School Farm Mechanization Programme commences
School Farm Mechanization Programme as part of the School Agriculture Programme commences at Paro, Samtenling and Khangma offices of Agriculture Machinery Centre with clear objective and improved curriculum. There are three types of trainings under this programme   (a) High...
Views: [ 2539 ]

AMC welcomes two new colleagues
Agriculture Machinery Centre welcomed two new colleagues Mr Thinley and Mr Tshering who had graduated from Jigme Namgyel Engineering College with diploma in Mechanical. They had been introduced to different sections and mandates and shall be attached with Agriculture Machinery Training...
Views: [ 2375 ]