
Displaying 71-80 of 198 results.
AMC welcomes Ms Naoko Takahashi
Agriculture Machinery Centre welcomed Ms Naoko Takahashi, an Olympic gold medalist from Japan to AMC office, Paro yesterday. She was explained about the history of AMC, the Japanese experts' contributions and also the progress through the support of JICA projects by Oshii, the...
Views: [ 2281 ]

Vacancy Re-announcement
In Collaboration with Ministry of Labour and Human Resource, the Farm Machinery Corporation Limited, Paro would like to re-announce for the post of Technician (Automobiles) and Technician (General) of VTI/TTI graduate as per following criteria: 1. Those applied already with FMCL,...
Views: [ 3463 ]

Technical committee meeting condensed
Agriculture Machinery Centre commenced a two days technical committe meeting on Februaray 16 and 17 in Paro. All Technical incharges, diploma holders and concerned staff are the members of the commitee. It was chaired by Farm Mechanization Specialist who is the chairman . This commitee...
Views: [ 2247 ]

Youth farm machinery training for commercial farming
As part of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests ( MoAF) 's initiative to utilize the fallow land through commercial farming programme for the youths, Agriculture Machinery Centre office , Khangma trained 10 youths in the operation and maintenance of power tiller from Febraury...
Views: [ 2478 ]

The Farm Machinery Corporation Limited, Paro a State Owned Enterprise under Ministry of Finance is pleased to announce the following vacancies for immediate recruitment:- Sl Position Title Position level No. Post Minimum...
Views: [ 4160 ]

Technical Committee (TC) meeting
The four days Technical Committee (TC) meeting held w.e.f. 20/03/2017 at Agriculture Machinery Center (AMC) had concluded successfully. The meeting is held for the second time in AMC, Paro. During the meeting, various technical issues were discussed and many of technical related...
Views: [ 2314 ]

Testing of plough shears as per standard
Agriculture Machinery Certification Section under Agriculture Machinery Centre is testing different plough shear samples from different firms and sellers. Five different shears were tested for hardness and identification of different material properties with reference to the...
Views: [ 2401 ]

AMC/AMCS lab equipment calibration
Agriculture Machinery Certification Section (AMCS) under Agriculture Machinery Center (AMC) is calibrating basic laboratory equipments inclusive of Mass/Weighing, Volume & Length in jointly with Bhutan Standard Bureau (BSB) with the service of metrology and expert. Where in some...
Views: [ 2597 ]

Completion of TTI OJT
The On-The-Job Training (OJT) program for 25 Technical Training Institute (TTI) students has been completed successfully in AMC. The OJT program was scheduled for 3 months for TTI students which ended with the awarding of certificate to the students, followed by closing dinner. Thank...
Views: [ 2287 ]

3rd JCC meeting
The 3rd joint committee coordination meeting for the JICA technical assistance project for AMC was held on April17,2017 at Paro. The progress of three components research , standards and hiring models were presented and discussed.
Views: [ 2359 ]