Recent News

Handing over of Management charges
On 21st July at 9 AM, The Chief Executive Officer of FMCL officially hands over the management charges of Agriculture Machinery Centre to officiating Programme Director, Mr. Kinga Norbu, current Incharge of AMDC.
Views: [ 2852 ]

CEO Appinted
Formal Programme Director of Agriculture Machinery Centre Mr. Karma Thinley appointed as Chief Executive Officer ( CEO ) of Farm Machination Corporation Ltd. Paro.
Views: [ 2728 ]

Introducing new Mini Power tiller in the Country
Two different size and of mini power tiller i.e. 8.5hp is introduced in our country by YANMAR company in Indonesia for trial, test and demonstration purposes. It is mainly being done to create awareness and advocacy to the farmers since this brand is new to the Country.  A day...
Views: [ 2911 ]

Shortlisted candidates for the post of contract operator
Following candidates are shortlisted for the post of contract operator, candidates are requested to attend selection interview on 29th April 2016 at 9.00 am with their original documents.           Sl. Name Age Valid...
Views: [ 2830 ]

Picture Story
Two staffs form Agriculture Machinery Centre Mr. Tshering Dorji and Mr. Jom Norbu visits Yanmar Agriculture Machinery Manufacturing Corporation Limited, Japan on 14/04/2016.  
Views: [ 2386 ]

Awarding of Certificate to Geog Extension Officers
21 Geog Extension Officers were awarded certificate by Mr. Namgay Dorji  Program Director of Fishery and Ackwaculture Center Gaylaphu upon the completion of twelve days comprehensive training on operation and maintenance of the farm machines as intensive course on farm mechanization...
Views: [ 2430 ]

The Agriculture Machinery Centre (AMC), under the Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests is pleased to announce the vacancies for recruitment of ESP as Basic Operators (Farm Machinery) on contract basis for one year (extendable) as per following details:   Sl....
Views: [ 2832 ]

Geog Power tiller operators Training
14 Geog Power tiller operator from Chukha and Haa Dzongkhags were trained at AMTC, Paro. The one month comprehensive training has  completed on 30th March 2016. The training excuted to the operators are expected to enhance improve skills in implementation of the hiring services...
Views: [ 2466 ]

Geog Extension Officer's training
The 6th batch geog extension officers training of Sarpang and Dagana Dzongkhag has started from 29th February. Total of 23 officers participated in the training at RAMC, Samtenling. Simultaneously Agriculture Machinery Training Centre will conduct the training at Paro...
Views: [ 2571 ]

Picture Story
In commemoration of 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Bhutan. Launching of integrated horticulture promotion project and photo exhibition about Japan Bhutan cooperation in the field of Agriculture at Hotel Taj, Thimphu.
Views: [ 2759 ]